
We employ skills and our global network to transfer physical commodities at competitive prices including petrochemical and food agricultural products from their points of origin to points of need. We achieve our goals by advancing trade.

Oil & Petroleum Products

 Thanks to having strong bonds with commodity producers and processors, we have this opportunity to provide a wide variety of raw materials such as Oil, LPG, Bitumen, and etc.

We gain this through marketing agreements and managing and optimizing our commercial transactions along with investigating market efficiency in the global trade of oil, chemical, and petrochemical products. In addition, we seek to ensure that commodities bought and sold by its companies arrive safely and on time.

Food Products

Thanks to having wide-ranging expertise in all aspects of supplying raw material, we aim to source cereals and sugar from many countries around the world and focusing first on wheat and corn. We buy these priority ingredients from healthy farms directly which have high quality and comply with local laws and regulations.